
Citizen Portal

Internal Requests

  • Receive
  • Prioritize
  • Analyze

Support your teams' operational efficiency

Receive internal requests in a collaborative digital space, with forms customized to your needs.

Prioritize the reduction of processing times by optimizing administrative work and eliminating heterogeneous data collection.
Analyze your departmental or individual performance by reviewing the average resolution time for completing specific types of internal requests, the number of requests processed within a particular category over a given period, and much more.


Create standardized request forms that can be fully customized to suit your internal needs: IT equipment management, infrastructure maintenance, maintenance requests, incident reporting, and much more.

Unify request submissions with a single, secure web tool accessible to all municipal employees, enabling simplified and centralized management.

Ready-to-use templates

Required and optional fields

File and photo attachments

Condition-based questions

Geographical location 


Ensure efficient management of internal requests
by automatically assigning them to the appropriate
department and employee based on their to type
and priority.
Communicate with the requester via the integrated
conversation tool and keep them informed about
the progress of their request.

Assignment by department and contributor

Request prioritization

Sorting by request type

Real-time status update

Chat with the requestor


Accédez à une interface de recherche vous permettant de synthétiser et d’interpréter des métriques de performance clés concernant le traitement des requêtes.

Securely export your data in Excel format with just a few clicks.

Data export 

Key performance indicators
Data analysis tables

Brochures - Benefits and features

Find out more about the unique features and benefits of our products.

Find out what Internal Requests can do for you



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